In my early twenties I became very interested in cooking. My Plan B life plan was always to go to Culinary School if my Biology degree didn’t pan out. Neither Plan became part of my life path, but that didn’t stop me from teaching myself how to cook. I watched The Food Network all day, every day, focusing on the foundations and techniques of cooking. I experimented with every herb and spice, read cookbooks front to back, and prepared as many dishes as I could. Over the years I have accumulated quite the library of recipes – which I am excited to share with you! After having my daughter, my husband and I bought a small starter home and my love for interior decorating began. I had so many ideas, but with a small budget and being a Stay-At-Home-Mom I decided to take on every task myself. It was immediately clear that this is what I wanted to do with my life – aside from being a wife an mother. I was able to find simplified methods to create the same looks as the professionals, but at a fraction of the cost! Now in our dream home, I haven’t even scratched the surface of the decor projects I have in mind. As I continue to renovate, design, makeover, cook and create, I will share each process and recipe along the way. I would love for you to be a part of my journey!


published 9/14/2020 Tteokbokki is a very popular Korean street food consisting of Rice Cakes in a spicy sauce. This was my first time eating Rice Cakes or Tteok and I loved them! The consistency is like no other food I’ve ever had… and I couldn’t get enough. This Perfectly Imperfect dish is super easy to …

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Cellentani with “Chorizo” Zucchini and Shishito Peppers

published 7/23/2020 This Perfectly Imperfect recipe was inspired from a dish served at an Italian restaurant in New York City. Even though it has simple ingredients, there is big, big flavor and a good amount of heat. I used all plant-based ingredients for extra nutrition, but use pork Chorizo and real butter instead for the …

Cellentani with “Chorizo” Zucchini and Shishito Peppers Read More »

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